
Mash Up Creative Camp 2024


Perform your passion in the heart of Hollywood…
and be fully expressed!

Youth (ages 9-17) from around Los Angeles County (and beyond) are invited to attend this 2-week Day Camp at the Hollywood Club LA (a landmark historical building, in the heart of Hollywood since 1905).

Experts from the Entertainment Industry are coming together to coach, mentor, and guide the attendees through a magical & practical process of creativity.

The end result will be the attendees performing on August 2nd, in front of a live audience; including families, friends and industry professionals.

The performance will be filmed and posted to a streaming platform, to give the attendees access to their performance, for social media and industry reel




The two-week camp will commence on
July 22nd – July 26th & July 29th – August 2nd
(9:00am – 4:00pm)

The Mash UP Creative Camp will include:
Coaching, Mentorship, Performance Training, Media & Interview Training,
Branding, Inner-work to build confidence and safety in a precarious industry. 

One of the important elements that sets our camp from others
is the expert training to build confidence, to have a voice,
and know what to do in times of situations that often face those in the industry, as well as in life.

Each day of our camp the attendees will participate in:
GROUP ACTIVITIES: Dance, Yoga, Stretch
BREAKOUT GROUPS: Ages 9-13 & Ages 14-17 to create their group performance piece.

Each age group will be divided into BANDS:
Each BAND will go through a creative process of choosing their BAND name,
branding of their group, and how they want to express themselves to the world. 

Each TEAM will go through “TRACKS” of creative expression. (Rhythm, Movement, Melody, Spoken Word/Lyrics)
to co-create a performance piece to perform on the Charlie Chaplin Stage for the August 2nd show; for families, friends and industry professionals.

Each day of the camp is crafted to the building blocks of creation and expression:
Building percussion instruments, Learning new dance moves, Presentation on the stage and in the media.

The camp is led by Industry Professionals to guide the attendees also through the process
of registering their Intellectual Property, while coaching them through the proper channels of
brand identity, protection in social media and more. 

The attendees are invited to attend the full two-week program, unless there are special circumstances that 
prevent them to doing the full program. We will work hand-in-hand to craft the best experience for each attendee. 

Each week is $895.00 (time two weeks)
and includes all classes, coaching, mentorship, etc. as well as any supplies needed. 

Each day a lunch is provided, as well as snacks and water. 

Each attendee will have access to the final performance video that will be loaded up to 
social media channels and will be downloadable for attendees to post on their own social sites.

A FULL AGREEMENT will be provided for all attendees with parental sign-off, legal terms, release forms etc.




Dance & Movement to free your mind and align your body. 

Those dancers who want to perform dance will be instructed by professional choreographers: prior experience with Justin Bieber, Khalid, Nicki Minaj, and more.

Those with little or no dance training will be given exercises to inspire the movement within and to explore new elements of creative expression.

The basics of dance will be taught, so that we can assist in unleashing the creative expression of movement, that leads to a more confident performer. 


The beat of the drum is the core of the heartbeat. 

Rhythm is the grounding force for creative expression. 
Those interested in the beat will be led by musicians and beat makers in the industry. 

Each team will have rhythm as part of their performance piece. as the rhythm is the foundation and grounding for most songs.

Even in acapella songs, there is still a beat to give grounding to the performance piece. 

Each participant will create their own drum. 


The written word, the spoken word, the lyrics to a song, the writing of our feelings unleash the passion that drives us on a daily basis. 

These words can be turned into songs, performance pieces, lyrics to a song, poem, spoken word performance. It will be the choice of the teams to decide which elements of expression to be put into their performance piece.

We have award-winning songwriters on hand, as well as behind the scenes pros that will walk through all the registration and legal processes of creativity and Intellectual Properties. 


Creating daily practices for internal peace and meditation is an important tool to have, so that we can all learn to manage stresses that occur in each of our lives on s daily basis. 

The attendees will learn techniques that will assist them in also overcoming performance anxiety, public-speaking fears, and more.

Certified Neuroscience Experts are on hand to teach techniques that we can use to make our lives peaceful. Parents will also be shown these techniques so that the members of the family continue on the same path.

Join us! For this life-changing camp

Our Team

Our coaches, trainers, team leaders are experts in their individual lanes.
Each leader will have a required background check to assure the parents that 
we have chosen the best in the industry and that all safety measures are taken into account. 

Tess Cacciatore
Lead Facilitator & Producer

GWEN Global
25+ years in the industry.

Award-Winning filmmaker & director with international workshop experience with youth leaders for the past 20 years.

Alex Riggs
Lead Safety Coach

Empowerment Training

Alex has spent over 25 years  servicing corporate, government & intelligence service clients.

Alex has taught thousands of kids in person, as well as online, K-12 as well as college/university.

John Vinestreet
Lead Vocal & Performance Coach

Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Vocal Performance and has over 40 years of working and performing in the music industry as an artist and a music business consultant.

As an artist, he has toured and performed with some of the biggest names in the business.

Anika Paris
Lead Vocal & Performance Coach

Artist Development, Award-Winning Songwriter & Artist.

Instructor: UCLA, Grammy Museum, Musicians Institute.

Radiance Tyler
Lead Emotional Health Coach

Fun-hearted human – Mom of three – Bachelor of Science Therapeutic Studies SJSU Certified – Neurological Coaching  – Owner of Lighthouse Affects –  Co-owner of SilverBirch Studios.

Committed to healthy living and clean sober campus AirPlay in 47 countries. Wrote score for The Rescue which won 21 national and international film festivals. 

Alan B. Charity
Filmmaking & Production

Contant, creator, videographer, filmmaker 3-D animator, Notre Dame Happy Families, project communication coach, USA, boxing certified coach, Martial artist, Personal development, coach, consultant, producer with 25 years Dedicated to the expertise
Alisha K. Rodgers

Alisha Rodgers
Styling and Personal Branding

Creator of Imagine.Nation and European Trained Master Stylist with 25+ years in beauty iand personal transformation, accredited Coach for Youth by Happy Families Project of Notre Dame, Curator and Consultant for Artists and Organizations in development of Social Impact Initiatives

Filippo Voltaggio
Performance & Vocal Coach

Master Certified Life Coach, Workshop Creator and Leader, Author, Voice and Presence Coach.
Host of “The Life Changes Show” as well as performer/singer and keynote speaker.

Meeka Sykes
Choreography & Movement

Former Professional Dancer and Instructor for Varsity Spirit dance camps,
Adjudicator for ESPN dance competitions, Creative Director/
Choreographer for the NFL, various bowl games and parades, Co-Founder
of Movement Of Dance Intensive.

Salemah Gabriel
Choreography & Movement

Professional Dancer for entities such as Justin Bieber and Dancer/
Choreographer on Disney shows, Actress, Television Writer and Producer,
Instructor for Movement of Dance Intensive.

Shaunte Armmer
Choreography & Movement

Professional Dancer and Choreographer for entities such a Nikki Minaj,
Khalid, Tyrese, and Disney artists, Co-Founder of In Talent We Trust, and
Co-Director and Instructor for Movement of Dance Intensive

Bradford Smith
Production and Music Coach

Music Producer & Beat Maker

Currently on tour, Bradford Smith is an American music producer, songwriter, engineer, and DJ from Fort Wayne, Indiana. He’s the founder of StudioLife Tour Music Seminar and the key face of Deceptaconz Productions. He has been a musical genius since a very early age and is proficient in playing many different types of instruments.

Scott Feld Empowerment Coach
Master Certified Professional Coach, Best Selling Children’s Author, Creator of The Power-UP Experiences for Kids.

David Longoria Music Coach and Entertainment Business Coach
Latin Grammy Award & Nominee Musician & Producer
Talented & Award-Winning Trumpet Player

Robert Eibach
Grammy Award & Nominee

Award -Winning Remix Engineer for the likes of Arianna Grande, Katie Perry, Christina Aquillara and more. 

William C Brown IV Percussionist Coach and Vocal Coach 
Wil, recently nominated for a regional Emmy award, is a percussionist/maker of drums, with more than 45 years of experience.

Wil is also the son of William C Brown III who is recognized in the Smithsonian Institute for recording arts and science, Soul Music Hall of Fame.

Join us! We want you to be part of this GWEN initiative of Hollywood Heals…

On the heels of all that has gone on in Hollywood for decades and all that is being exposed, we want to assure you that we are in the forefront of bringing the experts forward to create a healthy creative expression. Each and every instructor & coach has gone through a background check, to assure safety in our camp!


It is imperative that we provide kids (& their families) the necessary tools to help keep them safe.

Alex Riggs is an expert in this arena, creating safety programs that are age appropriate, interactive and focus on Self-Awareness, Prevention, Evasion & Self-Protection.

The core of all of our programs is our trademark “Color Code of Awareness.”™

Alex has taught Safety Programs to thousands of kids-since 2014. She has a preferred “Safety Program” provider
for schools K-12, as well as for Colleges & Universities.

Alex has taught over 700 programs in person & hundreds online! These programs work – for the simple fact that they were born out of a necessity to keep our corporate clients & their family’s safe while traveling through & residing in Red Zones throughout the world. 

Knowledge is power.

Safety Empowerment is good for any person,at any age.

Confidence is driven by knowing what to do with the knowledge that is being trained.

Education empowers the participants, so that their thoughts and reactions are driven by awareness and confidence.

When a child, tween, teen (or adult) is taught Situational Awareness and practices the “Color Code of Awareness”™ (until it becomes second nature), they realize that they have control over these events and their surroundings.

At a minimum, they are prepared to make split-second decisions based on what color threat level they are in at any given moment.


We like to EMPOWER kids to learn situational awareness and how to get help.

The 2nd part of the program focuses on Self-Awareness.

Alex interacts with our attendees, teaching self-protection moves in a fun & friendly fashion. Kids are taught real-world tactics: and the right way to get the help they need in times of need.

Navigating the entertainment industry “on their level” is also taught in a safe and friendly environment. Once they learn the core of our program, kids will be able to navigate any situation calmly and make split-second decisions.

The entertainment module, stresses safety and how to use the tools they now know, to handle tense/stressful situations.

Knowledge is Power. The techniques that they learn, will help them to avoid circumstances and to empower our attendees to make educated, split-second decisions.


Our program focuses on how to stay safe and to Empower teens to learn Situational Awareness, what to do in bad situations and how to get help.

Real-World modules include: Dating Safety, Social Media/Geo-Tagging, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Stalking, Cyberstalking, Alcohol/Drug Misuse and Abuse, Suicide Prevention, Sex Trafficking, Grooming and Staying Safe.

Teens will learn advanced “self-awareness & prevention” as well advanced evasive and self-protection techniques. Bonus modules focus on navigating the “entertainment super highway.” Once they learn the core of our program, teens will be able to navigate any situation calmly and make split-second decisions. The entertainment module, stresses safety and how to use the tools they now know, to handle tense/stressful situations.

Knowledge is Power. The techniques that they learn, will help them to avoid dangerous circumstances. But if a situation does arise, we empower our students to make educated, split-second decisions.


We will be offering the parents/guardians a special opportunity to learn the “Color Code of Awareness” ™ so that they can not only help their kids practice, but also gain the valuable information to help them stay safe as well. We will also cover how to help minor performers — there are actionable things that parents can do to help their kids stay safe at home, school, online, at auditions, events, when traveling and when on the job.

An abbreviated program will be available for the parents to attend. This information is invaluable in helping their child in all facets of safety and security.

Packets will handed out and reviewed during the parents programs. This runs the gamut of possible obstacles that their child might face: bullying, stalking, cyber-stalking, drugs, alcohol, lover-boy/lover girl syndrome (grooming), unwanted advances, how to intervene in bad situations and how to help your child feel empowered to say “no” – even it is costs them the part/job.